Benefits Of Ear Piercing For Male

Sep 05 — 3 mins read
Benefits of ear piercing for male

Benefits of ear piercing for male

While ear piercings used to be a woman’s forte in some cultures, today, both genders can get and enjoy their ear piercings without raising any eyebrows. Such is the fluid nature of fashion.

However, have you ever wondered if ear piercings for males have any benefits? As it turns out, aside from aesthetic reasons, ear piercings also provide some benefits to men.

Here are the key ones.

1. Self-Expression

self expression

self expression

Among the reasons why people of both genders get piercings is for self-expression and to represent one's culture. Different people can today use piercings to show cultural practices and who they are wherever they go.

It's also a forum for people to express themselves, whether as a creative outlet or to show their personalities.

2. Astrological and Spiritual Benefits

In some parts of the world, ear-piercing has some profound astrological and spiritual benefits. For example, in some Asian cultures, piercings signify the opening of the inner ears.

This means that one is open to listening to inner messages on various concepts. These include wise counsel about the spiritual and social aspects of your life.

Ultimately, this helps men in those cultures avoid bad advice that can cause trouble later on.

3. Aids Digestion

Aids Digestion

Aids Digestion

It’s commonly believed that some level of ear piercings will help improve a man’s digestive system. The belief is that an ear piercing improves the rate at which nutrients are absorbed and utilized in the body.

A different group of people also believe that men with ear piercings tend to be more discerning about what they eat and opt for healthy eating. They are thought to be very selective on what they eat, and they go for healthier foods with high nutritional content.

4. Improves Focus

Some traditions think ear piercings make men reason more accurately, which then helps improve the man’s focus in life.

So much so that some societies view men with ear piercings to be more visionary and very focused on their goals. They are also said to pursue their passions to the fullest.

In male children, ear piercings are said to help them mature faster. This means that they understand their lives much faster than other kids their age.

5. Healing Powers

Healing Powers

Healing Powers

While there are varying suggestions on why ear piercings are associated with healing powers, this belief is widely entrenched in some communities.

The common feeling is that men with ear piercings have a natural healing power within themselves.

The healing power is said to be more accurate if the piercing goes through a nerve connected to the brain. The premise is that the piercing allows the brain to process illnesses faster. It's also believed that these piercings boost how effectively and how quickly medications work.

One Thing Though…

Many men can attest to how hard it can be to find the perfect masculine jewelry for their ear piercings.

With the benefits of ear piercing for male piercing lovers laid bare, head on over to Shining Light Body Jewelry and take a look at the best jewelry designs.